4. Chaise Longue
How to pronounce it: Shez Long. NOT: Chayze Lounge
For one of the most popular statement pieces in the industry, the chaise lounge is almost always pronounced incorrectly. In fact, if you do say it how you’re supposed to, you may attract strange glances (or just come off a little bit stubborn when it comes to proper pronunciation). If you’re going to go for the “official” French pronunciation, make sure to really hold the hard G at the end of the word.
This spoken error also caused many to misspell the word in English, and over time, the chair became known in America as the chaise “lounge” (meaning a chair to lounge in) instead of the chaise “longue,” which simply translates to “long chair.” Is anyone going to judge you when you say “lounge”? Definitely not. But it’s a fun piece of info (You never know when interior design will be a category at trivia night!).